Perched atop Sulphur Mountain, the Ojai Mountain Vineyards stand over 2800 feet above sea level, a testament to the ancient tectonic forces that sculpted this remarkable landscape. The unique geology of this area, particularly the presence of Monterey shale formed millions of years ago, plays a pivotal role in the production of our exceptional wines.
The surface of Ojai Mountain Vineyards is a geological mosaic of Monterey shale, a product of intense uplift and fracturing over the eons. This shale bears the marks of dramatic geological changes, including a network of water-filled cavities. These cavities, or unique aquifers, capture winter rains and possess a distinctive water chemistry that profoundly influences every aspect of our vineyard.
Dating back to between 17 and 5 million years ago, the Miocene Monterey Formation is a thick, organic-rich marine deposit extending across vast swathes of California. Composed mainly of microscopic plankton remains—diatoms, coccolithophorids, and foraminifera—these sediments underwent transformation upon burial, eventually becoming the shale rocks we see today.
The Monterey Formation is not just a geological wonder but also a treasure trove of fossils, including whales, dolphins, crabs, and rare seaweeds. These remnants of ancient life contribute to the rich mineral composition of the soil where our vines thrive.
At Ojai Mountain Vineyards, the interplay between our unique geological setting and viticultural practices culminates in wines that are as extraordinary as their origin. The shale soil not only nurtures our vines but also imparts a distinct character to our wines—a character defined by struggle, resilience, and the earth's richness.
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